Wow, this is the first time in a long time that I have had ‘time’ to blog. Of course, I don’t really feel like blogging, I feel like going to bed!
I am really tired today. I decided to get smart and hire one of the kids to dig a hole for me… That would have been great, if the child had been able to dig it alone. Unfortunately our ground is MUCH too hard. I ended up helping and now I feel half dead. I have a therapist coming in the morning, but I didn’t even do dishes before bed.
I love you guys too much to leave ya’all hanging.
Anyhow, I have a new tree. I took G and went on a date ALONE today. That never happens. We went and picked out a tulip tree, one of the big ones. Then we came home and planted it. I hope it lives!
Andrew FINALLY lost his tooth. G is handling it quite well. I have been impressed.
We have been struggling with ‘one’ of the children and lying. UUUUGGGG!!!!!!! I feel like our message is finally getting through, but this one is a hard one to nip in the bud. If you aren’t standing right there and KNOW it was a lie… It makes it a mental hoola hoop to decide wither or not to discipline.
Anyhow to day was a VERY long day for that one child, But by bed we seemed to be at LEAST remorseful over having a consequence, which is better then we have been getting in a while.
For those of you who have been praying about a ‘unspoken’ prayer request. Today was supposed to be the day I found something out, but no such luck. Keep praying.
For those of you praying for S’s work, keep praying. They are sticking to making him skip the Sabbath. No other job’s jumping out at us at the moment. God knows.
I have ordered a whole bunch of new books. Mommy and daddy educational, not kids but still excitedly waiting.
G is missing a patch of hair currently and NOBODY seems to remember who did it… Hmmm… We thought about shaving them all for it, but we LOVE Anna’s curls too much. =-) No really. It was obviously done a while ago, and I am sure SOMEBODY knows SOMETHING, but with MY memory it feels hypocritical to discipline for lack of memory. They could be lying (which would fit right now), but I can’t be sure. Anyhow, current idea is everyone losses privileges of sissors, but doesn’t really make all that much since, because they used off limit seizers anyway. However, I still think this is our top pick.
Our family is still growing by leaps and bounds. Kisses the bird, is adapting well. Starting to sing! Our unofficial cat ‘pickles’ is back (Truly amazing I know!), We have two new fish. Female Batas. I don’t have any pictures but here is a picture of our Balas.
No, no more kids at the moment. I think four is plenty for now, especially with some of our challenges. I am including myself as well as the kids into that statement.
Well, I need sleep.
I hope all is well with everyone.
Good Night.
Ps. I do have t ime so I am going to add those volcano pictures I was telling you about. Hopefully the volcano will work better next time.
1 comment:
What a GREAT SMILE Andrew!
Way to go George! I'd like to see a picture of your tree when it blooms.
My darling H.
Email me a good time to call. I feel like I haven't been too available, but I can totally relate to being busy and tired!
I love you lots!
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