Thursday, April 10, 2008



Here you go.

They are a little bit hard to order. You have to go to 'store'. Then you have to know that 1001-1012 is first grade, 1013-1024 is second, so on and so forth.

I know I haven't blogged in FOREVER. I will TRY and blogg later today.

I have four therapists a week again, baseball once a week, Young Marines every other week and of course my schedule. Plus my husband is taking over the finances and that means he sometimes takes the computer to work.

Speaking of therapists, I have to go get Anna ready for a therapist.


Momma Bug said...

Didn't you schedule ME into that regimine?!!!


P.S. I'm glad you're still alive:-)

2homeschool said...

I did! Really I did. You have from 5 O'clock to 5:30pm... Unfortunatly, life doesn't always go as planned.