Sunday, April 20, 2008

Going Nuts!!!

Peanut Butter vs. Almond Butter.

Currently I have been using Almond Butter around here. I have been buying it at the health food store... However, I went to Costco the other day and they had it for less money. You can order it on-line for the same price I pay at the health food store... I think 'MaraNatha' is the brand name.

Ok, now the Why... Good question. I want to be able to give you a good, 'pat', undisputable answer. However, I am not that read up.

I believe partially because of the 'fungus' that tends to be on the peanuts they use for peanut butter. And partially because our cookbook lists it as not being good for 'cancer control'.
Sad answer huh? The 'Why' is not listed that I can find at the moment. Although I would have told you it was the fungus off the top of my head if I had not gone to look it up.

Well you did it now; I looked it up on the Internet... As usual, conflicting information. I was VERY unhappy about the pecans, I can tell you! Here were the top two picks. I hope that helps. Who knows..? I do wonder though if Almond Butter has all the same health benefits without the negatives.

Peanut Institute

Organic Peanuts

1 comment:

Momma Bug said...

I'm satisfied with that answer, and will look forward to checking out your links.
I have seen the butter at Costco, but it comes and goes, so I wondered.
That's where we get our peanut butter - pretty hard to beat the price for organic, unsugared.

P.S. look at Suzanne's post today. It had me rolling!