Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My soap box...

I can’t say that I have a lot of soapbox subjects in life. Not that I don’t have a lot to say about things. I do seem to have the ability to talk someone’s ear off. J But to actually step up against something doesn’t happen all that often, probably not as often as it should. I would rather not offend people or guide them down the wrong path because of ‘feelings’ I have.

However there is a subject I would like to talk about…

Of all things Christian Colleges…

This topic SHOULD be one I am all for…

However, I am four times on the graduated side of the Christian College. Not for myself, maybe that is the problem, I don’t really see the upsides, only the down. Here is my comment in sum.


Not really how to make tents, but how to make a living and provide for yourself/your family.

Most Christian College’s are unwilling to become accredited… I see the wisdom in this. I would not want state input into what I teach my children, why would they want it when they teach their students? It’s much harder and more expensive to find teachers for accredited colleges; it brings the price up a lot. I can think of TONS of reasons why they should not become accredited. However, when that ‘graduate’ steps into the world again, they are going to be left in the Labor’s position still, with years of schooling behind them.

All of this would not give me pause though if I truly felt that those that attended the Christian Colleges walked away with a closer walk with the Lord.

Not so in my experiences. They have walked away having lost the JOY of the Lord, in the busyness of trying to meet deadlines and fighting over theologies. Their recall for facts and references is great, but the heart of the message seems to be lost. Then on top of that they have no way to provide for their families. They have to either start back over in school or be struggle to provide for a one-income family. Am I saying that, God can’t over come this and provide miraculously? No, I am not. Should money be a deciding factor? That is a hard question to answer. No, to be greedy, it should not. Yes, to provide, it should. We are called to be wise.

How about those of you who say… I am going to be a stay-at-home mom why would I need a degree? Two reasons that I can think of; 1) I never ‘went’ to college. I now have four children whom I am home schooling, I am learning right along with them. However, if this issue of Home Schools having to be accredited comes to light it will cost our family FOUR years or more of home schooling while I stop to get a degree. That is A LOT of time of MISSING our children’s lives, or we will have to move. Can we live our lives in the Land Of What If’s? No, we would be miserable. I do think though, that we need to take care of our families. I include being able to home school them as part of taking care of them. 2) If you happen to meet a spouse at the college you are going to, are they going to be able to take care of you and your up coming family? If this means that they will have a great relationship with the Lord that is a worthy trade off.

Am I saying that NO one should go to a Christian College? NO! I am saying you need to pray about it and make SURE you are called. If I had one piece of advice, I would say. Ask to speak to some of the Post Graduates from THAT College and see how they feel about what they learned. If they walked away with a greater knowledge of our Lord. Perfect! Go for it. If not, I would say your time would be better spent at a college that is both accredited and Christian or studding the bible on your own.

I should note that all my experiences are with ONE particular Christian College and that there are many colleges out there that are probably wonderful.

Some words for thought, and I am LATE,…I can’t even proof this, so please ignore all errors. I will try to come back and proof them soon.



Momma Bug said...

I might differ in my oppinion slightly, but I definitely stand on that soap box with you!
Thanks for your thoughts O' friend of mine!

Love you!

2homeschool said...

I am curious...

If you don't mind sharing?

How do you differ?

You could e-mail me if you aren't up for sharing with the world.

And if you don't have time. I don't nessisarly need you to answer.


Momma Bug said...

I think my answer might be lengthy, and I don't have the energy to post anything thought provoking tonight, but for YOU, I will give it in a nutshell:

I do not see people coming out of college being able to make any better living than the guy who doesn't have.
With the exception of those degree's which prepare you for a trade ie. nursing school, law enforcement...
I don't believe that the seriously secular brainwashing (by teachers using their position for a soap box, and teaching their opinions as fact) is worth the outcome.
I have seen several instances in the last few years where those I love have gone through the system and as a result, came to the belief that they are now entitled to a good-paying job just because they have a paper saying that they spent the last four (or more) years in a classroom!
Talk about delusional!

I WISH there were more apprenticeship opportunities out there - that would be ideal.
That not being the case, perhaps there is a time and place for that college education.
Ultimately I can only prepare my own sons to be self taught, self motivated learners, and have a great work ethic.
There is always a place for people who work hard. (but I digress...)

As to the Christian College thing, I ask why it is necessary to learn what is someone else's interpretation of God's word, when he made it available for the common man to read (and understand).
I believe that there are many great and deeper meaning in the Bible, but two things:
1) We do a pretty bad job doing just what we are clearly instructed in plain text, and
2) We are followers of Jesus Christ! Why spend valuable time "arguing over doctrine" (as you put it, and splitting hairs over things that are not foundational to Faith in Jesus!
Besides, a woman should be aligned with her husband's doctrine (if he has any), or her Father's if she is unmarried, and he has taken his God-given roll seriously.

I realize that these things aren't always factors, and every case is different, but I really do think we'd all be better off reading and studying the plain text of God's Word, and ACTING on it.
That should keep us busy full time!!!

As for all that, I agree that a man should be taught to provide for the needs of his family.
We are sorely lacking in that department, and seminary doesn't fill that gap very well, but look at what the structure of the church is to be (I am all for a laborer is worth his keep, and all that), but we are supposed to have a group of pastor elders - FOR ACCOUNTABILITY!

In the church we are attending now, we actually found a group of people practicing this.
There are at least three pastor elders (fully qualified per Timothy and Titus's instructions).
At least two are paid, but both also work outside the church.
Another is not paid because he lives off some prior investments, so he does not use the Church's monetary support.

Okay so blah, blah, blah...
I totally stole your soap box and rambled on and on and on!
(I probably have more to say on the subject too).
All this to just share my heart with you, but not to instruct my Heather.
You are doing great with those boys, and I can't wait to watch you more in the future!

Now if you want my thoughts on a young woman and whether she should further her education outside the home...
That's for another day!!!

I love you!;-)

Momma Bug said...

You know...

THAT'S pretty scary for a "nutshell" huh?!!


2homeschool said...

lol, yes, that is.

However, you stopped just when it was getting good. However, I will let you have your rest. I will pick on you another day!


2homeschool said...

You know I really wouldn't care if they taught the Men welding and the Women typing... JUST SOMETHING!

Ok, see I can't seem to stay off this soap box...

Momma Bug said...

I'd love to see that:
A welder's seminary!

-for that matter, if
I could learn to type, I might be tempted!