Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, I TRIED! I must admit, I did not get up when my alarm when off. I ended up not going to bed until 2am (working on downsizing the clothes). I rolled over and begged, downright pleaded with my husband to get up with the children. He reluctantly did… He came back in a few moments with this odd tone in his voice, “You did the clothes”. YES! He noticed. Later (when I was up), I didn’t hear one complaint about having to get up with the kids. HE LIKED IT… All of the kid’s clothes now fit in their drawers!

I still have to do mine and the linens but we have made headway!

Next to go will be books. This will be a hard one for me. I find every book a treasure (excluding books with inappropriate content of course). So I think this will be the most painful.

I am actually getting rid of enough stuff, I am tempted to have a garage sale… Problem in this thinking is I tend to go to all the work and then can’t bring my self to charge people money for my ‘junk’. WHY not just take it to a salvation army in the first place? WHY go to all that work to just give it away… I don’t know though. This time there might be enough for me to actually make a profit worth the investment of time. WITH FOUR KIDS, am I nuts?

Please don’t answer that!

Andrew’s new suit:

Ah, the fun of discovery,… He was so surprised that the magnet could hold up the battery.

1 comment:

Momma Bug said...

Well. I'm ready to look at a new post, but I know you're busy, busy, busy!
I miss you today - would love to talk. Maybe I'll call, or maybe I'll call tomorrow.

Please forgive my negligence. I certainly DID receive your moms delightful package, and it's on my to-do list to thank her! You can pass the word along for me, and I'll get that in the mail as soon as I possibly can!

Love you!