Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have work to do and only 20 min to do it. I shouldn’t be talking, but I haven’t blogged in so long. I have pictures, I have stories, and I have NO time.

Ok, real quick.

I made a disaster dinner last night. I ended up taking all four children to a Mexican restaurant by my self… Yes I repeat by my self. Praise the LORD... they were all little angels. It was late at night too. We didn’t even get to the restaurant until after bedtime. Humph, what a dish I made. Anyhow, so we are sitting in this restaurant and I am teaching Anna the sign for soda pop, (I know, bad mother) and Jonathan wiggled in his seat… wait I have to back up a little… Right before my dinner flop, Jonathan and I had been making cookies together, side-by-side. It was a lot of fun.

So anyhow, here we are in the Mexican restaurant learning the sign to soda pop… when Jonathan burst out, “I want some Baking Soda mom, I want some Baking Soda!”… Referring to MY soda… I thought it was tooooo cute.

Ok, now I only have 12 min left to do my work…

I am NOT enjoying my new book by the Maxwell’s… Not that its not a good book, but OH WHAT WORK I have ahead of me… Opps… well so much for 12min, hubby's home early. Opps. Well, I probably would have still been typing anyway.

Anyhow, I was mostly feeling frustrated today. For those of you that don’t know us… We have some very special children, who sometimes need some extra attention (for lack of better word). Speaking of which, for those of you that do know us. Anna had a speech evaluation this week. She came in at 7-12 month speech pattern. (She is currently 20 months old.) Good new is she is almost up to 30 signs.

Anyhow, today I had a feeling like my life will NEVER be normal and I will NEVER be able to get it (my house) under control. Anyhow, I was feeling sorry for myself, frustrated and just like… No one could understand…

Anyhow, I did a smart thing and picked up the phone and called a friend, who happens to be a mom of some very special kids too.

Look on the bright side, which is what I learned. She pointed out, that things could be harder, 1 out of 4 is able to do what I ask of him without complication… Ah, some perspective. It could be worse, their challenges could be harder, their needs could be greater. Plus I have ONE great helper. That is what I needed.

Then I thought about the progress we have already made… Oh, yeah that is true. If it looks this much better in three days, it will be ok, IF I keep it up. Ahhh, that is what I needed to hear. God knows.

Should I change directions and give up? No… Keep going. Ok. Then my day took a turn.

Did I get A LOT done? No, but I didn’t give up. I even made a dinner that didn’t flop… (Although I must admit to eating MY lunch out, even though I fed the kids at home… I had to go grocery shopping and I knew if I waited until I was fed, I wouldn’t go.)

Anyhow, in all reality, what I learned from today was not to try to implement HALF a schedule. I need to finish the book before I try the schedule, so I wont get overwhelmed. In the meantime I am down sizing. Everything from the clothes to the movies, from the books to the kick knacks, from the dishes to the linens. I have just decided, its toooo much stuff.

Still praying about the houses. No move yet. However, could still be in our future and wont I be glad I downsized?

Guess what I bought today!?!

I bought myself an alarm clock! I know! I actually plan to start using it.

It’s hard right now because Spence is so late in getting home. But I still think it is a good idea. I even bought the kids each one. Theirs will go off a half hour after mine. I plan on telling them to stay put until their alarm goes off. This hopefully will give me time to shower before their little feet hit the ground. Then when the alarm goes off, they are suppose to go potty and head back to bed for some time in their Bible… Same for mom. Hopefully this will put everyone in his or her own bed doing devo’s at the same time. Well see. I hope it works.

Well, I have laundry to sort and downsize. Hope all is well with you guys!

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