Thursday, March 20, 2008

Over the Cliff

Well, I have started it. Only time will tell if all our effort is in vain or not, but we shall give it our all.

Today I started in on my LISTS for my schedule, my first actual step. I am still tossing out stuff hand over fist as much as I can make time for in a day. Looks like I am going to hit two garbage bags worth today, in addition to my lists.

List one: Daily chores that need to get accomplished by someone. (Minimum age, approximate time)
List two: Weekly chores that need to get done. (Minimum age, approximate time)
List three: Monthly chores that need to get done (Minimum age, approximate time)
List three: Bi-annually chores that need to get done. (Minimum age, approximate time)
List four: All the things I think God WANTS me to get done in a 24 hour period, with a notation on how long each takes to get done. (Some how including sleep I only came up with 20 or so hours. I didn’t include supervising school though, I only included when I teach school.)

This is all preparation stuff that has to happen before I can make my schedule. I am still not ready to implement (or even write) the schedule and I am a little worried that by the time I am, I will have removed all the ‘stuff’ that was preventing me from getting everything done and I wont have enough to fill my day… I guess what I am trying to say is I am a little worried that if this works I might go back to watching T.V. or something to fill in my day. I HOPE NOT. I am enjoying my time with my kids and I don’t want to miss out on ANY of this.

When I get this in hand, and I am a pro… Please remind me NOT TO WATCH T.V., instead to help someone, or volunteer at church or something. (Yes my T.V. is still in the garage, but I ‘can’ watch movies on my computer… quite a temptation some days)

Oh, update on the property.

So far we are not able to find financing for the property we want. I don’t know if that means we will lose it or not. (Reason being, it has one house and one mobile. This combination has bad ‘stats’. So NO ONE finances on them right now. 2 houses are fine, 2 mobiles are fine, just not one and the other.) Next step is to find out if the loan is assumable. It could be God’s way of lowering the price for us or it could be a shut door. Shut doors are always nice. I love it when God makes the decision for us.

I am a little worried about putting serious roots down here when I don’t have a teaching degree. They have not removed our rights to home school, but it looks like it is heading that way.

Speaking of home schooling.

Home schooling tip of the day: As my son calls it “Math Circus”

I put up a poster board that said “Count by six, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72.” Then I had the boys take turns jumping rope and saying it out loud for a fifteen min period. The hopes and aspiration is that when we get to multiplication flash cards, that my kids will already know their times tables. We shall see if it works. They looked hot and sweaty when they were done but they were smiling. (I promise I didn’t snap my fingers one time! ;-) A good sign I hope.

Well, I am going to get off. My son has someone he wants to e-mail before bed.

Great plans of mice and men, thank goodness God directs our paths.

Blessings to all tonight,

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