Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yoooo Whoooo!

Ok guys, I think I am back in the game. I hope.

I am effectively done with school. Not quite literally but soon.

Let’s see... What is up?
I have a Christmas tree in my living room. Poor thing looks a little forlorn. It is quite pretty and full and the exact shape it should be, however, it is missing it’s decorations. Just one little ornament that I hadn’t put away yet (yes, since last Christmas). Hopefully I will get some sort of decoration on the thing before Christmas. No guaranties.

Tomorrow I have Far Northern coming in for an I.F.S.P. should be interesting, it is our second to the last. This is the one where I say, “No, thank you. I don’t want a referral to a public school”, and they say “YOU DON’T????”
Good news is it looks like they are going to start up Anna on speech therapy again. Yea! I think I told you guys about the time she yelled for her dad for like five min. before I figured out what she was saying. It will be nice to have speech therapy again. She is two and a half now and I really have very few words that I can recognize.

I am having fun taking lots of pictures. I am gearing up for if I ever want to start my own on-line business. Spence and I have talked about it and eventually we would like to have a business up and running before the kids are teenagers. I don’t know if it will actually happen but it is worth a shot. We wouldn’t be able to do it if we don’t try, now would we?
Actually, I really want a little brake from school and Spence thought that trying out a little business as a trial run might be a good use of next semester. We shall see. I don’t know if I will actually do it, but it is fun to dream and take pictures.
Oh, how did I do in the classes?

Actually that’s not quite accurate. I think I got an A in two classes, Algebra and Early Childhood Education. I am not sure if I got an A or a B on my typing class. You see someone forgot to mention that typing included proof reading. Yeah, not good. That is really hard to do when you are dyslexic. Oh, well... I knew when I took nine units I might lose my 4.0 GPA. I will admit to being sad at the prospect, but I think that might just be a little pride peeking through, so I guess I might as well hand that to the Lord before he removes it anyway.

I am dying to take a road trip. Sigh. Maybe soon. Probably not before Christmas though.

Did I tell you I went Volcano climbing on my last road trip???, No. That is probably because I didn’t but I did get a nice close view. (Although, I hear it is currently covered in snow.) We went rock exploring while we were there. I think the highlight of the trip was actually jumping off the rocks, not so much reading about them. But we did have fun.

Our tumbled rocks turned out pretty nice. It took quite a while to get them polished though. We are having fun just looking at them. We haven’t quite figured out what to do with them yet. But, something for the Grandma’s for Christmas I am sure.

Well, it is 10:30 and I still have to do dishes and sweep.
Talk to you ladies HOPEFULLY in the morning.


Momma Bug said...

It is SO so so so so so so so so so nice to have you back!

I have been missing you.

We are in the Kentucky hotel this morning. I am shot - tired from the travel, and fro the children falling off their bed all night ;-)

Taking it easy so far, but I have to do some school with the kiddos too.

Love you loads!

2homeschool said...


Let the kids do school on their own!

Learn once,

Do once,

Teach once,

Let the older ones teach the concepts to the younger ones. That will help them solidify what they have learned (although, if they are teaching letters, make sure they are the correct direction. I learned that lesson one day when George was teaching Jonathan)
Have the older ones read to the younger ones.

Watch Educational video's. (If you need some new ones you can pay $9 a month with netflix an watch them on-line if you have good internet access or there are some on the PBS website that you can watch, like this old house etc. Watcher be ware, with both of those ideas. Defiantly preview)
Have them do a typing tutor on the computer. (my favorite is Mavis Beakon)
Have them work on computer learning games (Jump Start is my favorite, and you can buy and download them on-line and use them instantly).
Here is one I do rarely because we don’t have a lot of extra cash: Buy a science kit and give it to the one who reads the best. Have them follow the instructions. (If your are supervising without input its best not to get one that has chemicals, such as physics or electric. However, I just want to share, one of my favorite kits was “my first discoveries, eyepopping early science” by discovery kids, defiantly need an adult to help with this one though)
Now, if your not up for any of that... Consider taking Christmas break until you recover from surgery!!!! I know we all feel pressure some times to keep up with peoples idea’s of normal schooling. But keep in mind what the Lord wants them to know.
We are currently learning self-motivation at our house. I assign the homework in the morning and they are in charge of following through with getting it done without reminding. The end of their day just does not come until all the work is done. (Not something you can do if your low on sleep... I currently charge $1 an hour for every hour mommy has to stay up past her bed time, waiting for them to be done.)

Ok, I am sure I could probably come up with a lot more ideas but I should go and bathe the baby.
Lots of love, Heather

Momma Bug said...

You are a very smart woman.

Thanks for the reminder :-)
