Tuesday, January 20, 2009


MRI did not go well (the meds made her combative), but they got the shots they need. I will let you know when we have the written results, should only be a couple of days.



Joy said...

I am sorry that did not go well. That can be stressful. At least that part is over. I hope it all comes out well.
God bless

2homeschool said...

I think it has. We got the report this morning. It appears all is within normal range... I don't know if when the neruologist sees it if he will think it is normal, but the radiologist did. Good news is she held still enough they were able to get them and we wont have to go back and do it again.

Hope you have a great day,

Joy said...

Good I am glad that she will not have to have them done again. What would an MRI show? I am new to all of this testing. I am afriad with our test happy speech therapist that she might order one for Ethan.
I am glad it came out well in the end.