Friday, July 18, 2008

Who knows

My life has been a little bit crazy here... Alright, I know, I tend to be a little bit dramatic,... on occasion. However, I Have proof. Here it is!
Our Fort:

Picnic at the sea:
Tide pools & hermit crabs:

The good wife deed (in other words Salmon festival):
Sorry I didn't include pictures of the rock band or the 'drinks'.

The trolley ride:

Here is us waiting in a very wet fog for the fireworks; including Jonathan on a leash (second picture):

Yes! And here is the famious fire works:

Nope, after two hours in a wet, wet fog, we couldn't see a darn thing.
Here is us on the car ride back to the camp site after the fireworks:

The last day! Finally the sun comes out!

All of us stuffed (litterally) back into the car for the ride home:

Yes, that is what it takes to get all of us and our camping gear into my van!
Opps! I forgot, here is the camp site:

Here is Anna's first braid:

Glass beach:

Anna's new dress, thank you Aunt Dorthy:

Anna's new friend:

Young Marines Boot Camp:

Young Marines Boot Camp Graduation:

From this day forward, I sincerely promise, I will set an example for all other youth to follow and I shall never do anything that would bring disgrace or dishonor upon my God, my Country and it's flag, my parents, myself or the Young Marines. These I will honor and respect in a manner that will reflect credit upon them and myself. (Semper Fidelis)

The young marines only gave out four awards at boot camp. Andrew recieved one of the "Can Do Attitude" Awards.

Anna's first time brushing her own teeth without help:
Grandma made a beautiful baby blanket:

Oh, this one you have to figure out on your own... Tell me this is not out of the ordinary,... even for my life:

Cream of the crop. I am trying not to put a label on this one because I wouldn't want it to be pulled up in a search,... So make sure you read the words on the beast behind him. (If you haven't already figured it out by the previous pictures.

Finally home safe and sound. Andrew is back from all of his adventures. We hopefully have pictures of kids camp on an old fashion film camera, but knowing me it will be a while before I have them to post.

Thats it! Well, as long as you don't include all of the normal stuff, that I don't take pictures of, like theripies, and setting up peoples brand new computers and installing everything under the sun, laundry and braking my washing machine, Having to do all of this vacation laundry and my parents house (thank you Lord they live so close) Vacation Bible School, kids getting sick & running 104 fevers,... re-infection of an ear on one of the kids, Oh, and now, blogging. :-) Actually I am really grateful that my life is back to normal enough that I CAN BLOG.
Love you all,
Ps. Pray for spencer, eye surgery is tuesday!


Joy said...

Wow , it looks like you guys had a wonderful trip. Look at all of the great things you got to do. The camping area looked like a nice one as well. What was your favorite part? That is TOO cute with your daughter brushing her teeth on her own for the first time. She looks so much older than the last pics. how old is she now?
I hope the eye operation goes well , we will lift it up in prayer.
God bless

2homeschool said...

She is two now... Still no 'real' speach, they are marking her at 12months speach.

It was a lot of fun on that trip. I think sitting around the fire was my favoret part.

Thank you for the prayers, we could use them. Andrew's ear infection is back and two of the other kids have begin stages of broncidious, (just got back from the doctor, an all day event in this household). 3 out of the four kids are now on anti-biotics. :-(

Anyhow, hope your day goes well, type when we get back from the surgery.
