Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I am back

Info to come...


Joy said...

How are you doing? How was your trip? How is your son's ear infection?
Hope that your all well

Joy said...


Where did you guys all go fishing ? Did you go in Ca. or travel out of state?
I hope you had a wonderful time.

2homeschool said...


Sorry, I came back, but never came back to the blog.

Life has been down right crazy around here. It always is, but this was even more so.

We stayed in CA this time, next time we are talking about making it to ID. We will see. Currently that's not a financial option.

I have pictures lots of pictures I hope to put them on soon.

Last time I saw Andrew, his ear was better but not all the way clear. I go to pick him up today, so we shall know more soon. He has been camping for like 3/4's of this month. I am supposed to pick him up from Christian camp later today. Today is also George's last day of V.B.S.

Plus Anna is sick, so the poor baby is going to have to be dragged along with me while I go pick everyone up. We have to go in to get George because out of all three adults I am the only one not working today and he has a type of performance at the end of V.B.S.

I plan on sitting in the back and warning off anyone who comes near.
I got almost no sleep last night, I had to keep getting up with Anna. It was actually funny. I put all the kids down early last night, but of course ONE did not go down... I finally got that one down and then I feel asleep on the couch, then 10:30pm I got a collect phone call from Andrew saying he was homesick... I got him calmed down... And was just starting to decide if I should just go ahead and sleep on the couch or crawl to my bed when Anna woke with a fever, she wouldn't drink anything and IB didn't do any good, so I spent a couple of hours getting one glass of water in her. Finally she got it down and fell back to sleep. Then I got about an hour before Spence got up (there in waking me)... Ok, this story is getting to long, but as you can see this type of thing went on all night last night. I will be happy to see this afternoon, when everyone is home again including daddy and a nap might be possible.

Type and post pictures soon, I hope.

Ps. Pray for Spence... His lasic eye surgery is on 22nd. He is VERY exited. I am very happy for him, but prayers that all would go well would be great!
