Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This week...

(Mr. T, Mystery girl and George)

This week is our hardest of the year... or close to it.

Andrew and George and Mr. T, Auditioned for a play yesterday...

Sad to say Andrew did not get a part :-( So, sad. His consolation prize is his time with the Young Marines. We are working on some skills that may help him make the cut next year. (Like keeping eye contact and not playing with the person next to us.)
Anyhow, George and Mr. T got in the play!


They get to be TARANTULAS! For you little guys that is spiders!

Should be fun. But may make blogging again anytime this week, nearly impossible. Just remember I am thinking of you all as I run around like a chicken with it's head cut off!



Alterton Scottish Terriers said...

Congratulations on the play auditions! That's hard when a big family tries to do something and not everyone gets picked. Even if it's for decent reasons. My littlest sister was five when I got married and she was heartbroken that he wasn't engaged too! :) Love the pictures of the lizard!

2homeschool said...

I feel a little bit bad. Last year Andrew wanted to be in the play but he has so much else he was doing... I didn't let him audition. This year I let him and he didn't get in. Since we homeschool they only have this oppertunity once or twice a year someplace I can get them to. Hopefully he will get in one before he graduates.

George on the other hand REALLY is our theatrical one. Let me tell you! Oh, boy can he lay it on. I am glad for his sake that he was picked. It really is his forte.
