Sunday, April 20, 2008


Here is our Young Marine "IN" a Parade!

Here is us WAITING for the Parade (over an hour with trumpets blaring, WE NEEDED EAR PLUGS, our kids were not the only kid with them.):

Mrs. Bug, Here are the pictures I thought your little bugs would enjoy:

Ps. Here is Anna's official diagnoses...toxic encephalopathy. Big word. Looks scary when you read about it but her symptoms are not to bad.


Momma Bug said...

What FUN!

Hey, is that JONATHAN with a HAIRCUT?!!!
Pretty snazzy!

I'm glad you are learning more about AnnaBell. It's good to have some answers... ANY answers, huh?!

So tell me about peanut butter - what do ya know that mad you switch to Almond butter.
Where are you buying almond butter?

2homeschool said...

It was fun, it was also a tearful experiance... Hey who can help TRULY being a mom.

Yes! I cut his hair. Not the best job, but we are 'working' it out. He actually held still this time. He still screamed like I was pulling out his toe nails. Ugg. But Praise the Lord he held still.

Yes, this is our first 'diagnosis'. Before now it has just been symptoms. It is nice. Guess what helps? Good diets. That is about it. Auntie H now has me making bread (no suprise), she had a 'lemon juice' type idea for the kids, but designed for kids. I may try it if we can find the info. She said it helps allergies (for A and G), I think it would help Anna's toxic encephalopathy.

Ah, butter. Check out the next Blog.

Love, H

Uncle and Auntie Hightower <>< said...

It was my Mom in law that was there...Love your pics Heather! I love you

2homeschool said...

I wondered. Anyhow, so Say "Hi" to your mother-in-law for me. :-)

Glad you like them. I take that as a compliment, coming from you... Mrs. Big Shot Photographer.


Love to hear from you, Write more often.
