Monday, March 3, 2008

Change is in the air!

Change is in the air.

I am REALLY excited. Change is coming, lots of change. I don’t know what all is going to change, but we have already started on diet. Next we are tossing the T.V. out to the garage and canceling our Netflix… for those of you who know me, you understand what an undertaking that is.

It’s time.

For those that don’t know us… Our lives have been run by someone/something other then ourselves for over two years. And yes, we walked into it with our eyes open. However, it’s still VERY nice to be able to make changes in our home. Speaking of changes. I believe God is leading us in these changes and we expect wonderful things.

I have found some home school material (for encouraging the parents, not as in curriculum) that I love. For those of you wanting to check it out it was at . It is pretty GREAT material. I am in the middle of one book and have ordered three more because I like it so much.

I am soooo excited. I don’t know yet where the Lord will lead. I feel like things are about to get better.

We have been faithful in adding in our devotion time again. We are sticking to it. I am very pleased. We are adding to that a little topical family devotion right before hand and a discussion time afterward.

There is no news on my husband’s job situation. The WONDERFUL thing is that we agree… If they do not change their minds about making him work Sundays and Wednesdays, then we will be getting a new job.

We are talking about starting a family business. I don’t know that we could pull it off. Our current finances are not great. However, for tax purposes this is a great time for us to start one. Besides, if the Lord is going to bless something, finances will not be a problem. It is the end goal for us to have a business that the kids can do from home, make a living and set aside money for when they have their own family.

Planning ahead, planning ahead. We can all plan ahead as much as we want, but God will direct our paths.

Hope all is well with you guys.


Ps. The fish tank story. Lets see momma bug... I got off the phone with you that day to find out my husband had called in sick. (Not enough sleep, stressed out, tired, and sick of work). One of the nice things about government job, he has lots of sick leave. He then suggested that I get some rest while he was home. So in the morning, I went to see Penelope. Cute movie, still can’t recommend it because of drinking. Anyhow, I came home to give my husband his rest (He had been fiddling in the garage with all the kids.) To find Jonathan had snuck into A & G’s bedroom to ‘feed the fish’. Great, except he fed them the whole container! AGAIN (this is the second time in a week). So I enlisted the big boys to help me clean the tank. It took me an hour to drain it, clean the food out of the rocks, re-set all of the decorations and fill it part of the way back up. When my husband walked in. He wanted to take the big boys to the recyclers to cash in the bottles. They were almost out of time. I hesitated letting them go because I was still filling the tank, but I decided. It would only take a few more minutes and I would be done. Surly I could do it by my self for that long… OH WHAT A MISTAKE. Just a little while after they left, right as the tank hit full. The hose busts apart! Water starts squirting all over their bedroom. I scream and run for the shut off valve… Just a few seconds was enough to DRENCH their bedroom floor, including under the dresser. So Hubby spent the next few hours, helping me drain the tank and then my dad had to help us move it and the dresser so we could get the water that had run UNDER the dresser. I am sure his day was a lot more stressful then if he had just gone to work, but it did wanders for the attitude he had walking out the door the next day. =-)

Actually, that brings me to my lesson of the day. The book I am reading is called. Preparing Sons to provide for a single-income family. The biggest thing I have learned out of the whole book (well, as much as I have read so far anyway) is that work is a blessing.

I know that is like ‘duh’. But it really hit home for me today. If you think about it… A man who can’t find work, can’t provide for his family. Work is a blessing. When you work it keeps you from getting into trouble, keeps you from doing things you should be doing. (example? How about T.V.!)

Anyhow, so that has radically changed my thinking in how I plan my day. Work is a blessing. I SO KNEW THAT!

Love to all, H


Momma Bug said...


Momma Bug said...

Thaaaat's not exactly what I said, but the computer was being retarded!

What I said was... I can't believe no one commented on this post - it's the best story ever!!!

How come YOU get such an exciting life. It's just not fair!!!