They changed the time he takes his meds and he's been having some minor traumas and sleep deprivation... The whole combination seems to be taking a toil.
He has started to have muscle pain after the seizures. Jaw pain and tongue pain. Not fun. He had a little trouble walking after the last seizure. Didn't quite have his sea legs back yet.
Now we come to the dilemma... change the time of the meds back? or give him more time to adjust to the new time...
He had a seizure on Saturday also, so I am anticipating the new time is not working, but we may try a couple more days. It appears ANY changes to the meds effect him.
Reason for the change in the first place? He was a little tired during the days. They thought if they changed the time of the meds, he might have more energy. He hasn't been as tired, but if the seizures don't go away, then we will have to go back to the normal time.
New topic
I went to a funeral this week. On the way there I walked past a lady with two kids who were completely ignoring their mother. With sympathy I said "I understand, I have four of my own" thinking just a little empathy might make her feel better. She replied "I am so sorry". It took a minute for what she said to sink in. By that time I was climbing in my car. I was truly horrified by what she said. I wanted to yell "Hey, I like my kids!" but she was out of hearing range. I may have my moments of frustration, but I LOVE my kids.
"The father of a righteous man has great joy;
he who has a wise son delights in him."
Proverbs 23:24
Anyone who has half an eyeball can tell that you LOVE your children!
You're the best momma I know:-)
As for Georgie - The kiddos and I will be praying for him. What a bummer.
Love you!
Hee hee... Me? Love my kids? Uhhh... only a little ;-)
Thanks for the prayers, we've a had a little more exitment around here due to those seizures but the doctor changed the meds again, so hopefully soon they will stop.
Did you see Andrew was on the front page of the news paper? :-) very fun. I bought 6 copys. lol.
Love you!
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