Thursday, April 9, 2009

Georgie ~ Update

Ok. I finally have a little time. So, I thought I would drop ya’ll a REAL note. Here is where we are at...

George has been having “Episodes” for a couple of months now. I took him to the neurologist and they did an EEG.

The EEG said he had Right Temperol Lobe Seizures, or in other words “Epilepsy”, even when there were no outside symptoms.

We have had a couple of weeks of craziness since.

He has had blood work, MRI and other miscellaneous tests.

Good news (for the most part). His blood work was good so we were able to start him on an anti-seizure medication right away. His MRI came back with only minor issues, none of which were in the brain or related to the seizures. (They were all related to sinuses and allergies, big surprise there.) Other tests are still pending.

Before we started the seizure medications, the seizures had moved to day and night, up to three times a day. :-P Not too good. The good news is that since we have started him on the meds, he has not had any seizures (that we are aware of).

Prayers: We are all praying that the meds will continue to work and will not cause him any side effects. He will have to be monitored (by blood work) to make sure the meds are not causing bone loss, anemia, and/or kidney/liver failure. We would appreciate any prayers in that area.

Love to all,


Joy said...

Wow, that is quite a bit to be on your plate right now. Thank the good Lord that you have found a cause and that this cause has a treatment. This is a blessing. I pray the meds work fast without any bad side effects. I also pray that he feels better soon, and that your life can slow down soon so you do not get too stressed out. God bless you and your family my sister in the Lord.

Shauna said...

Praying for you, my friend.